Why the Golden Apple? Purchase Gold Apple Awards with our many Golden Apples

In days gone by, rural school teachers received little more than free room and board as pay. Families of students helped out by sending provisions. Apples were a sensible choice because they were plentiful, cheap and easy to carry. Phrases such as “an apple for the teacher” and being called an “apple polisher” are still sometimes heard in our speech today. The apple also has an association with the biblical tree of knowledge. Another familiar saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” associates this common fruit with health and wellness.

For these reasons, the golden apple makes an excellent, lasting symbol with which to honor excellence in the education or health fields. Available in a brushed brass finish and a variety of sizes and presentations, the golden apple makes an impressive way to mark achievement or retirement for that special educator or care giver. The golden apple becomes unique and memorable when personalized.

Golden Apple with Etching or Engraving on Both Sides Gold Apple on Walnut Base Desk Award - Personalized Golden Apple Etched Smooth Gold Apple Trophy with Plate Engraving Large Golden Apple Trophy with personalized gold apple and engraved plate

View All Our Golden Apple Awards

See all of these apple choices as well as apples in crystal or marble, plaques and other award items at AppleAwards.com, a full service internet catalog. Work within the website to arrange your message of appreciation and see the virtual product as it will appear. Apple Awards is able to handle all sizes of orders in a timely manner and has experts available to help you with any questions from design to shipping of your product. Our priorities are customer satisfaction and quality of product.